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you often see clearly what sparks 
joy in your life


Certified KonMari® Consultant

& Home Organizer


It’s also where all your stuff is. Maybe too much stuff. Maybe stuff you don’t love. Maybe stuff you didn’t even realize you had . . .   

If you are ready to tackle your home and your belongings, the KonMari Method® is the CLEAR WAY forward to achieve the tidy home you’ve dreamed of. I will guide you through the tidying program one category at a time, encouraging you to keep only those things that spark joy and support your ideal lifestyle.

See Clearly, Think Clearly  

It's amazing what happens when you clear the clutter in
your home. You actually clear the clutter in your mind. And suddenly, you can see a clear way forward . . . because when you deal with your stuff, you can then deal with your STUFF – those challenges you may be facing in your professional or personal life.


I will provide the support and accountability you need to reach the finish line.  

My first two clients both said the same thing to me: “Amy, it’s not like I don’t know HOW to let go of things and organize my home, it’s that I WON’T DO IT unless you make me!” It was funny of course, but also enlightening. They were uneasy about needing help in this area of their otherwise squared-away lives. And they’re not alone. Many people need the support of someone by their side to guide and assist. That’s where I
come in.

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